
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2024

10 october 2024

The delegation of the Russia-ASEAN Business Council took part in the largest regional business summit of the ASEAN Member States – ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, in Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic. This summit is one of the largest business events in the region, taking place during the ASEAN Summit and the East Asia Summit. Within the framework of the business summit, special sessions were held on deepening economic integration, food security, the digital economy and international cooperation with strategic partners. More than 2,500 business leaders from 40 countries took part in the events.

The Russia-ASEAN Business Council as a strategic partner of the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, conducted the session " ASEAN – Northern Eurasia Economic Integration and Connectivity" in the framework of the business summit, which took place on October 10, 2024. The session was moderated by Daniyar Akkaziev, Executive Director of the Russia-ASEAN Business Council.

Armida Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), delivered a key report during the session. She noted that there is strong potential for cooperation in the field of long-term contracts for the supply of energy resources and joint development of energy infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region. "Cooperation in the field of renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind energy has great potential, as it could align with ASEAN’s green growth strategies," Armida Alisjabana said.

Oudet Souvannavong, Chair of the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN BAC), noted within his speech that the Eurasian region and ASEAN have numerous opportunities to strengthen trade and economic partnership in various sectors, including energy, digital technologies, agriculture, infrastructure and finance.

Musa Adnin, Managing Director of Adinin Group of Companies (Brunei), Co-Chair of ASEAN BAC Brunei, said in his speech that the countries of the Eurasian region are among the world's leading energy producers, while energy demand in ASEAN countries is growing rapidly due to dynamic economic growth. ". By leveraging the EAEU’s energy supply and ASEAN’s demand, we can create a robust energy partnership that benefits both regions," Musa Adnin said.

"Integration is a leverage that makes our economies more stable, reveals competitive advantages, neutralizes external shocks, and ensures convergence of key indicators. It is important to actively work on creating conditions for building a barrier–free economic space in Eurasia," Eldar Alisherov, member of the Board (Minister) for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, said in his speech.

Alexander Stuglev, Chairman of the Management Board, Director of the Roscongress Foundation, spoke about the key international congress and exhibition events of the Foundation, including the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum; the Eastern Economic Forum, as well as the International Business Forum "World of Opportunities: Russia – ASEAN" planned to be held on November 26-27, 2024 in Malaysia: "

Nikolay Kushnarev, Director of the Industrial Policy Department of the Eurasian Economic Commission, during his speech, said that within the framework of the EAEU, much attention is paid to the production of high-value-added products, where high technologies are involved. "In order to promote industrial cooperation and increase the technological potential of the member states of the Union, a new supranational financial support mechanism for of joint cooperation projects has been launched in the Eurasian Economic Union. This mechanism allows us to reduce interest rates on loans for national companies for the construction and modernization of their production facilities." – Nikolai Kushnarev declared.

The participants discussed the development of trade, economic and investment cooperation, as well as possible ways to deepen cooperation between the member states of the Eurasian region and ASEAN.

In addition, within the framework of the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, the delegation of the Russia-ASEAN Business Council held negotiations with official delegations and representatives of the business leaders from Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei.